Open Positions
Depending on the upcoming/existing research projects, we are always looking for motivated and talented team members at all levels to join our diverse team and the broader UChicago community.
We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:
Postdoctoral Scholars
- Novel renewable energy conversion systems and thermodynamics of semiconductor quantum dots.
- Atomically controlled doping in colloidal nanocrystals for quantum information applications.
- Studying the degradation/stability mechanisms in III-V quantum dots with an emphasis on opto-electronic properties.
- Assessment of interfacial structure in III-V core-shell quantum dots using advanced electron microscopy methods (STEM, liquid cell TEM).
- Study of the etching dynamics of indium based III-V semiconductors in graphene liquid cell transmission electron microscopy.
PhD Students
- Organic functionalization and stabilization of high energy nanocrystal surface sites for high turnover, selective catalysis.
- Use of machine learning tools for atomically precise liquid cell electron microscopy and the visualization of colloidal nanocrystal chemistry and physics in their native environments.
Undergraduate Researchers
- Please contact us to discuss the potential paths towards working in our lab as an undergrad student (during the school season or summer). We may have open positions in our lab for undergrad students majoring in Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Electrical and Optical Engineering.
All applications (solicitated or unsolicited) should be sent to our Lab/Research Manager, Dr Kamran Forghani (kforghani AT uchicago DOT edu). Please include a CV and a brief cover letter.
If you are Ph.D student or Undergraduate at UChicago looking for doing rotation/intern in our lab, feel free to reach out any member in our lab whose research area you are interested in.
Note: We review every single application carefully. However, only those applications which are well-aligned with our research directions will be notified about being under consideration (two weeks after submission).